How do I complete the budget for my application?

On the budget section on your project dashboard, enter an estimated amount for each line item that applies to your production (the remaining fields may be left blank). Your total budget total should equal the total grant amount for the edition you’re applying for. For example, if the production grant for the Edition is $20,000, your budget total should also be $20,000.

The amount allocated for section A - Above the Line (including: story rights/acquisitions; writer; development costs; producer and director) should not be more than 20% of your total budget (e.g. if the grant amount is $20,000, your above the line cannot exceed $4,000).

An amount should be allocated as contingency (budget for unforeseen production costs). A contingency amount of 5-10% is recommended. NOTE: Your contingency budget cannot be more than 10% of your total budget. 

At least 80% of the budget must be spent in the Project Lead’s community of residence. 

The Project Lead will be responsible for any additional costs or budget overages.